John Lucas Business Development Manager

Profile: John Lucas

From walking through the red sands of the Kalahari to tracking elusive leopards in dense forests and rugged mountains, Africa's wild places have been my home since birth. Professionally, I started in baseline data monitoring and publishing research papers on Africa’s predators. I eventually got to work alongside the continent's great minds on ecosystem restoration and awareness projects. My journey as a conservationist has covered mapping freshwater ecosystems, conducting population censuses, and designing multi-disciplinary expeditions focusing on climate and human behaviour change.

This work led me to receive various awards including the prestigious SANParks Kudu Award for Individual Contribution to Conservation in Southern Africa, and membership to global societies such as The Explorers Club and Royal Geographic Society. 

Beyond my professional pursuits, I'm an avid wildlife and astrophotographer, capturing Africa and the World's "Ghost Cats" one frame at a time. I look forward to sharing these experiences with you on your arrival in South Africa or around a campfire at our amazing projects.

My passion for Africa is deeply rooted in a lifetime commitment to conservation. My main driver is witnessing individuals experience the bush for the first time, leaving them empowered to protect the planet in their own small way. Joining African Conservation Experience, I’m excited to develop new group offerings that showcase Africa's boundless beauty ethically and sustainably. The continent offers countless ways to add value and create unforgettable experiences, and it's all just a phone call away.

Safari Njema, Asante sana!