6 things you absolutely have to do at the London National Pet Show 2017
Taking place at the London Excel on 6th and 7th May, the National Pet Show is back for another weekend of action packed entertainment and education. If you’re heading to the show, you’ll no doubt know there’s a lot to get involved with.
Below, we’ve picked six things that we’d suggest you have to see or do when visiting this year’s show, including meeting the animals, listening to some inspirational animal experts and watching some mesmerising cat/dog shows.
1. See Noel Fitzpatrick live and meet some well-known animal experts
Noel Fitzpatrick, perhaps better known as ‘The Supervet’ provides what is perhaps the highlight of the National Pet Show, as he delivers an inspirational talk that encapsulates the highs and lows of his clinical work. His truly amazing stories will captivate people of all ages.
Alongside Noel Fitzpatrick, you’ll have the chance to listen to more familiar faces such as Michaela Strachan (Springwatch, The Really Wild Show, Countryfile), Dr Mike Leahy (Bite Me) and even Lucy Heath with her dog Trip Hazard (Britain’s Got Talent).
2. Discover how to find the perfect pet for you at talks, shows and workshops
There are so many different factors to what makes the perfect pet. Whilst appearance, breed and general cuteness are on the priority list for a lot of people, finding a pet that you truly connect with, are able to provide and cater for, and who fit nicely into your home and lifestyle takes a little more knowledge.
Throughout the show there will be talks covering everything you should consider before deciding on a pet, including how much exercise certain breeds need, their fully grown size, information on their temperament and how often they need grooming.
3. Take your love of animals to Africa with African Conservation Experience! Find out how you can help endangered species
Africa is home to some of the world’s most fascinating animals! Yet every day many species are faced with threats that significantly impact their health and safety, and the resulting decline in population. Conservation of wildlife and their habitats is essential to secure the future of many African species – that’s where we come in!
Come and visit our stand, which is number A56 and learn about the amazing wildlife conservation projects currently taking place in Africa that we’re proud to be a part of. We help those who want to make a difference head off to Africa and volunteer with amazing projects protecting animals such as rhino, elephants, lions, cape buffalo and more, in a truly life changing experience for both our travellers and the animals that they work with.
Find out more information about the projects we offer – browse:
4. Relax and enjoy some downtime with Doug The Pug (the therapy dog)
The science of using dogs for therapy has been well documented in recent years and its popularity is continuing to grow. They provide affection and comfort for people who are most in need of it.
Not only can you spend some time with therapy dogs at the National Pet Show, but you can also learn about the real therapeutic benefits of therapy dogs, and the important work that carry out every day. This is definitely not to be missed.
5. Enter the handling teepee tents and learn how to interact with animals
Fun for kids and grown-ups alike! This year the National Pet Show has two new animal handling teepee tents. Inside the first you’ll meet a variety of dog breeds, and inside the second there’s lots of different types of reptiles such as geckos, lizards and snakes.
It’s not just fun and games either as children will get the chance to learn about the various species of animals. Some very knowledgeable experts share their tips on how to care for pets and how to keep them on a healthy diet.
6. Watch and enjoy the amazing talents of Superdogs LIVE
Celebrating the relationship between dog and owner, Superdogs LIVE is an action packed show that is full of mesmerising talent, entertainment and much more. Enjoy as the dogs perform dance routines, sing, show off their athleticism and watch in awe as awards are handed out to some of the most courageous dogs in the country.
Performances take place daily so remember to book in advance!