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Wayne Grieveson: close-up of a lioness

Nominate ACE for 'Best in Wildlife Conservation' at the African Responsible Tourism Awards 2015

The nominations are open for African Responsible Tourism Awards and ACE have recently been nominated for ‘Best for Wildlife Conservation’!

Please help us to spread the word about the great achievements our conservation travellers have made with our African partners in the field, and nominate us!

The category for ‘Best for Wildlife Conservation’ is focussed on “Organisations committed to the conservation of habitats and animals in the wild and using tourism to achieve conservation objectives.” ACE have been supporting and advising conservation programmes in southern Africa for over 15 years and would be thrilled to be able to share such an award with our conservation partners.

“Our partners do great work not just with us but with all of their conservation projects. It is time others knew about it. Nominate African Conservation Experience, check them out at www.conservationafrica.net”

Mutogomeli Rhino Rangeland Protection, 2015

Please take a minute of your day and nominate us!